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If you're looking to improve your email marketing game, you're not alone…

Many people recognize that email marketing is one of the most powerful tools available today.

However, there's one crucial detail that you need to keep in mind: the copy in your email is crucial to getting it opened.

Luckily, there are many techniques you can use to improve your email open rates. For example, you can start by including a "From" line and a "Subject" line at the beginning of your email. Additionally, it's important to avoid using the word "free," as this can trigger spam filters.

You should also aim to deliver a mini-version of your complete message in the first paragraph and limit the number of click-through links in your email to three.

Finally, keep your line length to around 55 to 66 characters per line, and avoid using ALL CAPS excessively.

These tips should help you improve your email marketing game, and we'll be sharing more in the future.

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Updated: Aug 10, 2023

If you come from a time when Google was the only way to get answers to questions, you may have realized that things are dramatically changing.

How many times have you turned to social media to get an answer to a question instead of search engines?

It seems that Generation Z and Millennials prefer to look for information on social media instead of search engines. In addition, generative AI is also starting to make its way to position itself as an option for information search.

According to research from HubSpot, "15% of consumers prefer to search on social media over search engines". A significant number that will probably not stop increasing. The younger the generation, the higher the percentage of consumers who prefer to search on social media, given their familiarity and ease with the platforms.

For brands, this data is a significant change. Generation Z is starting to gain purchasing power as they enter the job market, and as soon as their income allows it, it is precisely on social media that we will find them making their purchases.

Over the years, we have heard more and more about the importance of brands being present on social media, and now, more than ever, we must reinforce this idea. Consumers have changed their behaviour, and if a few years ago they were impacted by a billboard on the road, today they will quickly buy a pair of pants because they saw an Instagram post of some influencer wearing them.

In addition, we must be aware of AI-based search-generating platforms.

Chatbots have only been around for a few months, and 9% of a small group of consumers already prefer to use AI chatbots to get answers to questions instead of search engines and social media! It’s crazy, right?

New generations bring new behaviours; we must continue to pay attention to all the new trends. In the end, never forget how important is to be in a constant adaptation.

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Há uma nova empresa de comunicação digital em Portugal e chama-se Your Trend. Criada por Andreia Mitreiro, a agência irá focar-se no mercado business to business (B2B) e colocará à disposição dos clientes vários serviços que visam garantir uma comunicação global e multiplataforma, destacando-se uma oferta especializada em duas áreas: personal branding e redes sociais.

Para a fundadora, «a gestão de uma marca pessoal não é ainda algo muito comum, mas é crucial para a valorização dos profissionais». Como tal, o personal branding afigura-se uma ferramenta importante na «criação de uma pegada digital» que «espelha o percurso, as experiências, as competências, a influência e a notoriedade» das empresas.


O meu background sempre esteve ligado às pessoas e ao estudo do comportamento humano. Esta relação de grande valor entre a Psicologia e o Marketing está no ADN da Your Trend e é um dos nossos maiores argumentos para uma comunicação que, apesar de ser cada vez mais tecnológica, continua a ser feita de pessoas para pessoas. Não queremos ser apenas mais uma agência, queremos ser parceiros dos nossos clientes e criar uma relação de proximidade com eles», afirma Andreia Mitreiro, em comunicado.

Os serviços disponibilizados pela nova agência nacional passam pelo marketing digital, produção de conteúdos, webdesign, redes sociais e personal branding. A carteira de clientes já inclui a InnoWave e a Conquest One, bem como a Science4you e a Edumed.

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