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Cada vez mais falamos sobre Personal Branding, mas na maioria das vezes este conceito é confundido com marketing pessoal. Faz sentido, tendo em conta que são conceitos que se complementam e pertencem ao mesmo universo, mas têm objetivos diferentes.

Na realidade, o Personal Branding é diferente de Marketing Pessoal.

O Personal Branding descreve um conjunto amplo de atividades e pretende partilhar a essência da marca pessoal, criando conexões com a sua audiência (clientes targets ou seguidores).

O objetivo base do Personal Branding é provocar sentimentos de identificação com o target, enquanto o Marketing Pessoal procura uma ação mais direta.

O Personal Branding é fundamental no fortalecimento da rede de um líder, ou representante de uma marca, na medida em que quanto maior for o engagement com a pessoa, maior é a possibilidade de gerar qualquer tipo de conversão. Cresce a conexão com a página do representante da marca e cresce também o engagement com a marca.

Este é um fenómeno que cada vez mais se assiste no setor da saúde, com a aposta e reforço da comunicação por parte dos seus profissionais e gestores. E são tantos os canais onde podemos trabalhar esta comunicação, desde redes sociais como o Linkedin, ou até mesmo o Instagram, ou através de blogs e Newsletters.

O Marketing Pessoal tem o seu foco em atrair e comunicar com a sua audiência, atendendo às suas necessidades, maioritariamente aliado a uma estratégia de vendas direta.

Atualmente, num mundo em que a transformação digital nos trouxe uma nova realidade de comunicação, assistimos a uma alteração do paradigma da comunicação, transversal a todos os setores.

Um bom exemplo é o setor da saúde. Se em 2019 a sua presença digital era maioritariamente das entidades de saúde, atualmente assistimos a uma comunicação digital vinda também dos próprios profissionais de saúde, apostando no seu Personal Branding. Também as consultas passaram a poder ser online, e os perfis nas redes sociais, que já existiam, aumentaram a frequência da publicação dos conteúdos. As entidades que não tinham presença no digital, rapidamente se adaptaram. Os que não se adaptaram, ficam sob pena de ficarem para trás.

Este boom a que assistimos da comunicação no digital, já não é só ao nível das entidades, mas também ao nível das pessoas que representam as marcas, e é aqui que está a magia da comunicação digital H2H.

Afinal de contas não nos podemos esquecer que marcas são pessoas e é para elas que comunicamos.

Portanto, o caminho para o sucesso pode ser mais simples e, às vezes, até mais curto para quem investe no Personal Branding

A Diferença está na atitude e na partilha de conhecimento.

by Andreia de Araújo Mitreiro, CEO Your Trend

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Am I promoting my audience to feel an emotion?

No matter what type of writing you are doing, the most effective way to grab your reader’s attention is by causing them to feel an emotion.

When you write the copy (or the words) for your social media post, really spend some time getting into your audience’s head. Try to write in a way that speaks to their emotions, not just their head.

One way to accomplish this is by using your own real-life example. You demonstrate to your readers that you were once where they are. Then you had a moment where you turned it around. Then you found success.

What people need more than anything else is hope. Let their last emotion as they read your social media post be hope. They can do this too.

You can apply this same thinking to every post, no matter your niche.

When you write a post that’s selling clothes…. walk through this same idea! What problem did you need a solution for, and then these clothes solved it?

When you write a post where you are selling your beauty products….. what solution did you desperately need for your face before? What emotions and frustrations did that cause? How did the development of these products change all of that? What hope can you give?

When you involve your audience’s emotions, they become invested in you, your products, and the solutions you can offer.

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Writer's pictureYour Trend

We are always reading everywhere that we need to have a strong brand to succeed, we need a strategy, we need an identity, we need frequency, but the real question is How do I stand out and succeed?

Among the global pandemic, a shift to virtual and distanced operations, an uncertain economy and volatile stock market, and a nationwide shift in consumer attitudes toward just

ice and equity, businesses both big and small are asking a similar question.

For brands like YouTube and The United Nations, the secret has been: Psychology.

When talking about Psychology and Branding we are talking about how our mind works and what drives us as humans to take certain actions and not others, these are the real secrets to success that involve what colours, fonts, and words to use in marketing and what never to use.

Here are some tips:

Always Tell a Story: The number one rule of branding, at any point, is a focus on storytelling. Most people, but millennials in particular, don’t care as much about buying more things; they want to be inspired by a narrative. Particularly now, it is essential that your brand is centred on a story and core values that speak to this moment — healing, community, unity.

Do you know the Color Theory? There’s more to colour than meets the eye, the science of how different colours mix, match and contrast, to shape our emotional responses and persuade us to trust certain products. This matters because studies suggest that people make a subconscious judgment about a product within 90 seconds of initial viewing, and up to 90% of that assessment is based on colour alone.

Investing in the design of a logo and branding that are iconic, recognizable, and intriguing based on their colour and the emotions evoked is an absolute must for branding in the modern era.

Colours such as blue, calm the mind, red increases appetite, purple denotes royalty, white evokes purity etc. For more info on the power of colours in communication check out our post.

Symbolic Storytelling: A very important part of the communication is designed, design psychology is symbols. Not only are symbols eye-catching and potentially iconic (think about Disney or IKEA), but they can be representative of a business’s values and entire philosophy, powerfully reinforcing the identity of the brand.

When designing your brand logo think properly about what message do you want to share, what impact, what emotions? The shapes can be powerful: nearly 20 per cent of logos are circles, which convey a sense of stability and security.

Personal Connection: Personal connections are the foundation of smart and successful branding. People have an inherent and hard-wired need to connect with and relate to others, which can be an even more powerful motivation than the desire for a product or service itself. We want to share that we belong to something and throughout history belonging often meant survival. The psychology of this is powerful for every company to understand. As I said in a previous article, fiscal distancing does not mean human distancing.

Hope this was useful!

Keep doing what you love, keep pushing for Your Trend :)

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